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分级定量PCR检测血清HBV DNA
点击次数:622 更新时间:2015-12-14

目的 利用竞争PCR法建立分级测定HBV DNA含量的定量方法.
方法 设立3个标准竞争模板(102cop, 104 cop, 106cop),分别和恒量的待测模板混合,分别进行40,30,20次循环的pcr扩增,zui后凝胶电泳分离待测模板和竞争模板的PCR产物,测定两者的荧光强度的比值,计算待测模板的初始量.
结果 对乙型肝炎血清HBV DNA定量表明,12份HBeAg阳性血清,HBV DNA的血清浓度在6×107~1×1011cop/L,而12份HBeAb阳性血清只有7份可检出HBV DNA,它们的血清浓度均在3×108cop/L以下,其余5份用该PCR方法,检测不到.
结论 该方法可用于HBV DNA以及其他病原体DNA的定量.
Grading quantitative PCR to measure serum HBV DNA levels
GUO Yan-Hai1, REN Feng-Ling2, YAN Xiao-Jun1 and SU Cheng Zhi1
1Chinese PLA Institute of GENE Diagnosis, Xi"an 710033, Shaanxi Province, China
2Environmental Health Department of Xi"an Medical University, Xi"an 710061, Shaanxi Province, China
Subject headings hepatitis B virus; DNA, viral/analysis; polymerase chain reaction
AIM To set up a new method of measuring serum HBV DNA levels with grading quantitative PCR.
METHODS Three standard competition DNA templates (102 cop, 104 cop, 106 cop) were mixed separay with stable sample DNA templates, and then PCR with 40, 30 and 20 cycles was carried out. Then the PCR products of the sample DNA templates were separated from that of the competition DNA complates, and the fluorescence intensity ratio of them were measured. The initial contents of the sample DNA templates were calculated.
RESULTS The serum HBV DNA contents of the 12 samples of HBeAg positive serum ranged from 6×107 to 1×1011cop/L. Only 7 of the 12 HBeAb positive serum could be detected and their HBV DNA were all below 3×108cop/L and the other 5 samples HBV DNA could not be detected with PCR.
CONCLUSION This method can be used to measure the HBV DNA and other pathogenic DNA.
PCR技术对基因从定性到定量的测定是分子生物学方法研究一大飞跃,定量PCR已成为目前分子生物学技术研究的热点之一. 迄今研究和应用的定量PCR方法有4种,即PCR产物的直接定量;极限稀释法;靶基因与参照基因的同步扩增;竞争性PCR法. 以上方法各有利弊,选择某一方法取决于靶基因的特性,对准确度的要求,需要相对还是的定量. 其中竞争性PCR方法的定量比较准确,被较多地采用[1]. 但该方法在实际应用时,需将恒量的样品DNA与一系列稀释的各种浓度的竞争性模板混合后进行PCR扩增,zui后进行电泳,找出待测模板与竞争性模板终产物有相等摩尔数的一个反应,从而确定待测模板的初始量. 因此,对一个样品定量时需要进行多个反应,不适应多样品的同时定量测定. 我们建立了分级定量方法,只用3种浓度的竞争模板与恒定量样品DNA进行3个PCR反应,通过测定待测模板与竞争模板的终产物荧光强度比值,来确定待测样品DNA的初始模板量. 该方法适合多样品同时测定.

1 材料和方法

1.1 材料 GQS-960凝胶成像分析系统(第四军医大学基因诊断技术应用研究所),Thermolyne PCR扩增仪(美国),Taq DNA聚合酶,dNTP (Promega公司). 引物出自HBV DNA的X区,经oligo软件设计. 引物位置和序列为:B1(1402-1421),5,-ATC CTGCGCGGGACGTCCTT3;B2(1626-1607)5,-CGTTCACGGTGGTCTCCATG3扩增比较为225bp,

上海士锋生物科技有限公司 2008版权所有 电话:021-56640936 传真:021-33250231 联系人:赵先生 地址:上海市宝山区锦乐路
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